Don't Let Shipping Limit THe size of Your Fiberglass Building
When a fiberglass building is too large to ship in one piece, we send it knockdown. With a little onsite assembly, a building can still be durable and long-lasting. Don't let shipping limit the size of the building you need.
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Welcome back to MEKCO.
I'm Adam Schneider and today we're describing oversized buildings.
This particular fiberglass building is 28 feet long 24 feet wide and 12 feet tall at its eave unsupported.
This fiberglass building is 28 feet long 24 feet wide and 12 feet tall at its eave unsupported.
Now if we were to pre-assemble that building and ship it down the road, there’s no way.
There are limitations as we all know to what you can legally ship down the road so this particular building is in a knockdown configuration, which will describe as we walk around this momentarily.
Every knockdown building has its systematic holes pre-drilled, pre-board, such that you can assemble the pieces on-site.
The beauty of those pre-drilled holes is that we can also use them to attach to the exoskeleton framework that we've compiled here.
Every knockdown building comes with pre-drilled holes for assembly and exoskeleton framework.
This particular building is so large that it actually takes two crates to compile the whole shipment. Again, each panel here is 24 feet long.
We have options when it comes to shipping your MEKCO fiberglass building.
We will actually put two of these exoskeleton crates upon a flatbed.
Now for this video, we have the exterior shrink wrap removed.
We will actually shrink wrap it and envelop both crates prior to loading them and shipping as such.
Final building product will be shrink wrapped and placed on a flatbed.
Request A Quote
MEKCO has manufactured and shipped well over 500 custom fiberglass buildings and enclosures located across the United States and beyond.
Call 920-693-8163 to request a quote or fill out the form when going to our quote page.