How to integrate electrical strut into a fiberglass building
Wondering how to attach your equipment to the inside of a MEKCO fiberglass building? Adam will show you how we can integrate electrical strut into any building.
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Welcome back, I'm Adam Schneider. Today we're talking electrical strut.
So call it as it is, your fiberglass building is there to protect your equipment and what you might put inside of that building is probably the most value, most interest to you.
Today we're talking about electrical strut and like anything that we offer at MEKCO there are options. Here we have a simplistic, galvanized, metal strut.
A simple, galvanized, metal strut inside a MEKCO fiberglass building.
Now the nature of struts is that there are couple things you have to contend with. You have to cut the length, you have to locate it, you have to mount it level, you have to procure the strut. We are able to do all of that for you and locate it as you desire.
So maybe you have a variable frequency drive, a motor control center what have you, and you need to tie that into the structure that you have. We can set the table for you.
So the nature of our fiberglass buildings here at MEKCO is that we have this integrated flange. You can see some of that correspondence in our prior videos. But, the integrated flange, again, adds that the moment of inertia. It also intrinsically adds the ability to mount strut proud of these integrated flanges and allows us to mount that strut really anywhere on the wall.
The integrated flange is unique to MEKCO fiberglass buildings.
Again the building that we’re in today is a 16 by 12 by 9’ eave. You can see a plethora of options as far as where that strut is installed and how it is installed. It arguably is incredibly strong. That strut is anchored every three to four feet. You can hang some serious weight off this electrical strut. If you need more, you can put additional lengths in.
You can hang some serious weight off this electrical strut.
Here we have our galvanized strut and we’re mounting it to our MEKCO integrated flange using just standard strut brackets. We can actually bolt that into position. If you have a unique application, again, there are a plethora of options in the terms of strut that we can implement. Bring your challenge our way we'll find something for you.
A galvanized strut mounted to the integrated flange of a MEKCO fiberglass building.
So again, some of those options in the terms of strut. We have aluminum strut. We've got the standard galvanized strut. We also can use a pultruded fiberglass strut depending on your application or your needs.
Electrical strut is avaialble in different material options.
Take a look at a 360 view of installed electrical strut in one of our fiberglass buildings.
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